November 1, 2022
Jake Lewis
[email protected]
Hartford, CT – What’s Bob Stefanowski’s plan for the economy? In addition to ripping up budgets – slashing funding for our schools, essential services, and more – Stefanowski’s plan would take Connecticut backwards. How?
Stefanowski once said he wanted to “rip the guts” out of the state budget. [CT News Junkie, 8/22/18]
Stefanowski’s plan to eliminate the income tax was written by Arthur Laffer, the same economist who wrote Kansas’ disastrous plan. Bloomberg: “Supply-side economics may have failed in Kansas, but it’s alive in Connecticut.” [Bloomberg, 10/16/18; CT News Junkie 8/22/18]
If Stefanowski’s extreme economic plan were enacted, local property taxes would increase in 169 out of 169 Connecticut towns.
Stefanowski’s Kansas-style tax experiment would “eviscerate investments in infrastructure,” lessen oversight of conditions in nursing homes, and force dangerous cuts in the state workforce, including correctional officers. After the implementation of the Brownback tax experiment in Kansas that was also written by Arthur Laffer, the author of Stefanowski’s proposal, the state saw prison riots due to understaffing, its bond rating plummet, and educators forced to shorten the school week. [CT Post, Column, 9/9/18; CT News Junkie 8/22/18; [AFT Press Release, 9/14/17; American Federation of Teachers Press Release, 11/3/17]
Bob Stefanowski’s economic plans are so extreme they would create a massive budget deficit, raise property taxes, devastate our schools, raise health care costs, and cut care for thousands in nursing homes. [CT Mirror, 8/15/18; CT Mirror, 4/21/15; American Health Care Association, accessed 1/18/22; Connecticut Education Association Press Release, 10/12/18]
Justin Elicker, mayor of New Haven, said following Stefanowski’s unveiling of his most recent economic plan, “Let’s be clear, Mr. Stefanowski, by proposing we cut the sales tax, would cut municipal aid and force municipalities like New Haven to raise taxes.” [New Haven Independent, 9/20/22]
And Stefanowski’s recently released economic plan would weaken the state’s rainy day fund at a dangerous time, as the national economy nears recession. “Bob Stefanowski’s promise to gut the Rainy-Day fund — especially at a time when the Governor has helped bring it to its highest level ever — would only create financial storm clouds and economic uncertainty for middle class families,” said Sen. Gary Winfield, D-New Haven. [CT Public Radio, 9/21/22]